Desarrollo Droide Apps

My shopping list for wear 2.65
Desarrollo Droide
Included voice recognition button and autocomplete for data entryfrom the keyboard.Added support for smart watches, you can add, delete and crossoff items from both devices.Ability to save multiple lists with different content.From menu you can manage lists and articles.To remove an article swipe to the left, and to cross it swipe tothe right.Synchronize:- Go to sync in the menu.- Create an account with a username and a password.- All devices created in that account will be synchronized.- The app will create a new list called "Shared list", in this listthe items are synchronized in real time with the other devices,like you do with the smartwatch.- The other lists are not synchronized.- You need a internet connection to work properly , if the deviceis not connected at that time it will save the changes and performwhen it detects connection.
Video Tutorials 1.6
Desarrollo Droide
If you want to learn this is your application,thousands of video tutorials organized into different categories:computing, languages​​, music, photography, cooking, mechanics,sports, profession, videogames ...The application will be constantly updated with new videotutorials.You'll have the option to continue a video at the time you left,you can mark as seen or not seen and share, an icon will indicatewhich was the last video in the list you were viewing.The videos will be seen on full screen or split screen intablets and phones and the content will adapt for betterviewing.This application uses some third-party libraries:- Card Library de Gabriele Mariotti ( TwoPanels de Antonio Corrales ( CardsTube de Antonio Corrales (
Aprende los Phrasal Verbs 1.8
Desarrollo Droide
¿Problemas con los Phrasal verbs? Estaaplicación te ayudará a aprender esos odiosos verbos.Dedícale unos minutos cada día y acabarás aprendiéndotelos.La aplicación consta de dos partes una para practicar donde tepreguntarán un verbo y tendrás que elegir la opción adecuada y otrapara consultas.Problems with phrasalverbs? This application will help you learn these heinousverbs.Spend a few minutes each day and you'll aprendiéndotelos.The application consists of two parts, one to practice where youask a verb and you have to choose the right option and one forreference.
Verbos Irregulares en Inglés 1.5
Desarrollo Droide
Se te resisten los verbos irregulares eninglés, pues aquí tienes una solución para que por fin te losaprendas.Podrás practicar desde cualquier lugar hasta que consigasaprendértelos.Y si no lo consigues te devolvemos los 0€ que cuesta.Can you resist theirregular verbs in English, because here's a solution for youfinally learn them.You can practice anywhere until you get aprendértelos.And if you do not get back the 0 € it costs.
Digital Weather Watchface 1.2
An excellent digital design with weatherinformation.• Android phone requires 4.3 and up, Android Wear requires 5.0update.• Works for round and squared watches• Options to disable animations and change gears colors.• Weather information.Supported devices:Motorola Moto360, LG G Watch, LG G Watch R, Samsung Gear LIVE, notcompatible with tizen (Samsung Gear or Gear 2, Gear S).NOTE: Please make sure that your watch is running Android Wear5.0+.**Watch face will show up on your watch automatically. If itdoesn't show up please go to the android wear app > Settings andResync all apps**How to install:• Download the app on Google Play (It will not install any app onthe phone)• Tap & hold on the watch face on the Android Wear device orselect from the companion app on your phone.
WoodGears Watchface 1.1
WoodGears watchface is an awesome watchfacewith animated gears inside.• Android phone requires 4.3 and up, Android Wear requires 5.0update.• Works for round and squared watches• Options to disable animations.Supported devices:Motorola Moto360, LG G Watch, LG G Watch R, Samsung Gear LIVE, notcompatible with tizen (Samsung Gear or Gear 2, Gear S).NOTE: Please make sure that your watch is running Android Wear5.0+.**Watch face will show up on your watch automatically. If itdoesn't show up please go to the android wear app > Settings andResync all apps**How to install:• Download the app on Google Play (It will not install any app onthe phone)• Tap & hold on the watch face on the Android Wear device orselect from the companion app on your phone.
Beautiful Watchface 1.2
Give to your watch a beautiful and originaldesign with Beautiful Watchface.• Android phone requires 4.3 and up, Android Wear requires 5.0update.• Works for round and squared watches• 12/24 hours.• Battery level.Supported devices:Motorola Moto360, LG G Watch, LG G Watch R, Samsung Gear LIVE, notcompatible with tizen (Samsung Gear or Gear 2, Gear S).NOTE: Please make sure that your watch is running Android Wear5.0+.**Watch face will show up on your watch automatically. If itdoesn't show up please go to the android wear app > Settings andResync all apps**How to install:• Download the app on Google Play (It will not install any app onthe phone)• Tap & hold on the watch face on the Android Wear device orselect from the companion app on your phone.
Turismo Yecla 1.22
Desarrollo Droide
La app oficial de Turismo Yecla te ofrece todo lo necesario paramoverte por Yecla y aprovechar al máximo tu estancia: agenda deeventos actualizada, información geolocalizada sobre más de 100puntos de interés (museos, monumentos, bodegas, tiendas de muebles,alojamientos, paisajes naturales…), rutas turísticas y preguntasfrecuentes. Muévete por Yecla con la app de Turismo de Yecla.Redescubre Yecla en Funcionalidades:Disponible en español. Acceso a información turística de Yecla yplanes para aprovechar al máximo tu estancia. Información sobre másde 100 puntos de interés distribuidos en distintas categorías comotiendas, restaurantes, museos, monumentos, ocio nocturno, etc.Listado de rutas de interés turístico (Monte Arabí, RutaIglesias…). Agenda de los eventos más destacados de la agenda deYecla (exposiciones, conciertos, actividades deportivas…) Mapa delocalización con recursos turísticos georeferenciados
VideoClips Subtitulados 1.1
Desarrollo Droide
VideoClips Subs es una aplicación en la quepodrás ver una gran cantidad de vídeos musicales de todos losgéneros con subtítulos en inglés y español, el lenguaje originalserá en inglés.Esta aplicación es ideal para aprender inglés disfrutando de tumúsica preferida, es la mejor manera para recordar el significadode las palabras que aparecen en las canciones que más tegustan.Si tu intención no es aprender inglés también la podrás utilizarpara saber lo que nos cuenta la letra de las canciones.¡¡¡¡¡¡ ACTUALIZACIONES DIARIAS !!!!!!Todos los días se irán añadiendo videoclips al contenido.** AGRADECIMIENTOS **Quería dar las gracias a todos los programadores que creanrepositorios y los ponen a disposición de los demás facilitándonosla creación de apps más compatibles y vistosas.Esta app utiliza los repositorios:- IndexableListView de Daniel Dam- NewQuickAction de Lorensius W. L. T- ViewPagerExtensions de Andreas StützTodos los videoclips son de youtube y están a disposición decualquiera que tenga acceso a la red, la aplicación cataloga losvideos y te ahorra el trabajo de buscarlos.VideoClips Subs is anapplication that will see a lot of music videos of all genres withsubtitles in English and Spanish, the original language will beEnglish.This application is ideal for learning English enjoying yourfavorite music, it's the best way to remember the meaning of thewords that appear in the songs you love.If your intention is not to learn English also you can use to findout what tells the lyrics of the songs.DAILY UPDATES !!!!!!Every day we will be adding video content.** THANKS **I wanted to thank all the developers who create repositories andmake them available to others providing us create more compatibleand colorful apps.This app uses the repositories:- Daniel IndexableListView Dam- Lorensius NewQuickAction of W. L. T- Andreas ViewPagerExtensions StützAll music videos are on youtube and are available to anyone withaccess to the network, the application lists the videos and savesyou the trouble to look.
Grepohelp 1.1
Desarrollo Droide
GrepoHelp is a helper application forGrepolisplayers.In this app can access the statistics of players,alliances,colonizations, members of alliances, cities,allianceschanges...You can create a profile where to add you as a player,enemyplayers and enemy alliances to access them quickly.You have a choice of planning attacks/reinforcements whereonlyhave to choose your city and time attack/reinforcement andtheapplication automatically will add an alarm on the device,veryfast and easy.
Puzzle Master 1.0
Desarrollo Droide
Disfruta de este entretenido juego en elquetendrás que hacer coincidir todas las piezas, más que un puzzleesun reto a nuestra mente pues el juego tiene cierta dificultad.Tendrás que rotar y mover las piezas para colocarlas eneltablero, con un clic la rotas y arrastrándo la mueves, a medidaquetengas coincidencias entre piezas se irán encendiendo lasbombillashasta un total de 12 que es el objetivo del juego.No es necesario guardar partida, el juego arranca exactamenteenel mismo punto que lo dejamos la última vez que jugamos.El menú cuenta con la opción de silenciar el sonido yreiniciarel juego si es lo que queremos.Enjoy this fun gamewhereyou have to match all the pieces, but a puzzle is a challengetoour minds as the game has some difficulty.You'll have to rotate and move the pieces to put them ontheboard, by clicking and dragging the broken move, as have partswilloverlap between bulbs lighting up a total of 12 which is theobjectof the game.No need to save game, the game starts at exactly the samepointwhere we left off last time we played.The menu has the option to mute the sound and restart the gameifwe want.
Libraries for developers 3.85.01
Desarrollo Droide
This app provides a collection of third party libraries.
Gears Watchface 1.2
Desarrollo Droide
Gears watchface is an awesome watchface with animated gearsinside.• Android phone requires 4.3 and up, Android Wear requires5.0update. • Works for round and squared watches • Options todisableanimations and change gears colors. Supported devices:MotorolaMoto360, LG G Watch, LG G Watch R, Samsung Gear LIVE,notcompatible with tizen (Samsung Gear or Gear 2, Gear S).NOTE:Please make sure that your watch is running Android Wear5.0+.**Watch face will show up on your watch automatically. Ifitdoesn't show up please go to the android wear app > SettingsandResync all apps** How to install: • Download the app on GooglePlay(It will not install any app on the phone) • Tap & hold onthewatch face on the Android Wear device or select from thecompanionapp on your phone.
Watchface Broken 1.2
Desarrollo Droide
Broken watchface is a broken screen style watch face foryourAndroid Wear device. • Android phone requires 4.3 and up,AndroidWear requires 5.0 update. • Works for round and squaredwatches •12h/24h format Supported devices: Motorola Moto360, LG GWatch, LGG Watch R, Samsung Gear LIVE, not compatible with tizen(SamsungGear or Gear 2, Gear S). NOTE: Please make sure that yourwatch isrunning Android Wear 5.0+. **Watch face will show up onyour watchautomatically. If it doesn't show up please go to theandroid wearapp > Settings and Resync all apps** How to install:• Downloadthe app on Google Play (It will not install any app onthe phone) •Tap & hold on the watch face on the Android Weardevice orselect from the companion app on your phone.